We don’t meet people by accident, they are meant to cross our paths for a reason, either they change our life or we change theirs.
This is the story of how three ambitious and talented beauty professionals came together to pursue their dreams. Here is my interview with the co-owners of Mane Collective (formerly Rinaldo Lansdowne): Karolyn, Lisa, and Saly.

Karolyn Prum | Lisa Naccarato | Saly Mak
Mane Collective | Ottawa ON
Instagram: @manecollectiveottawa
Post Update There are many people looking to make changes in 2021. These three talented artists have rebranded their salon – same place, same faces, same vibe – with a different name and look: Mane Collective (formerly Rinaldo Lansdowne).
So let’s start with the most obvious question – how did you all get together as co-owners?
Saly and Karolyn were childhood friends. They made a promise to each other that one day we would open up a salon together.
Karoyln was working at Rinaldo’s Manotick. Saly and Lisa was working at Rinaldo’s Carlingwood.
Lisa had big dreams to move up and do more as a hairstylist.
When the opportunity came up, Saly introduced Lisa to Karolyn.
Explain the vibe of the salon.
The vibe in the shop – we are a really close knit family. We like to make everyone feel like its home with old school 90’s hip hop and RnB playing in the background.

Covid-19 has impacted all our lives – when it will end – no one really can predict. Hair Salons were not allowed to reopen until Stage 2 – which was the beginning of June. How have these last 5 months been for your team?
We haven’t been able to work as a full staff yet. We are currently working in two groups to obtain social distancing. We definitely MISS working all together.
The beauty industry is always evolving – how important is continuing education for stylists?
LISA: Trends are always changing and there’s always something new to learn. Education is key.

Social media changed the beauty/fashion industry. Trends used to be released by season now people see something on Instagram and they want it and don’t want to wait. How do you stay up to date on the latest techniques and styles?
SALY: I follow other artists from all over the world on Instagram. I look for saved and live videos to watch and keep up with whatever is trending.

The Glebe is such a beautiful part of the city and Lansdowne Park is one of the hottest places for food and entertainment. What is the best part of having a shop in this community?
KAROLYN: The local support in the Glebe and Lansdowne is real.

If each of you had to pick a signature style cut or color you are known or love doing best — what would it be?
LISA: Blonding and Balayage Expert
SALY: Bronde Balayage and Lived-in Waves

What inspires you as artists?
We definitely thrive off each other. We share our vision and collaborate – three brains instead of one.
Our motto is to aspire to inspire.
I think most Stylists are born with an amazing sense of style – how would you describe your own personal styles?
LISA: Levi’s high, band tee and sneakers.
SALY: Currently into that urban street wear – Dr. Martens and Jordan’s are my jam.
KAROLYN: Big earrings and 90’s wide leg pants. JLo vibes.

When your team needs to de-stress and have fun – what do you ladies do together?
Hahaha! A bottle of rosé at the end of day – that’s for sure.
I know Rinaldo was a well-known and highly regarded Stylist in the Ottawa beauty industry. At one point in her career, my Mother worked for him. For each of you, who has been a mentor in your career?
KAROLYN: My previous bosses from Rinaldo Manotick.
SALY: My Momma.
LISA: My business partners.

Okay – now for some fun questions…
Who is the most likely to steal food from the staff room?
Lisa – always eating our food!
Who drinks the most coffee?
It’s a tie between Saly and Karolyn – coffee addicts.
Which one of you has the best sense of humor and is able to lighten the mood when you have a crazy day at the shop?
It depends on the day. We all have our silly moments to lighten the mood and balance each other out.
When you do travel as a team – who takes the longest to get ready?
Lisa takes the longest but Karolyn is always done last.

If you had to pick three words that best describe yourself, what would they be?
LISA: Perfectionist, goofy and a little nerdy.
SALY: Visionary, ambitious and artsy.
KAROLYN: Tranquil, creative and methodical.