I want to feature people who inspire me.
It’s all about spreading goodness and love throughout the world.
After receiving unkind comments about her body, Gigi Hadid took a stand against in an Instagram post – see her message below.
So many people are so quick to comment negative opinions this month. Yes, judgement on social media comes from people who, 99% of the time, have no idea what they’re talking about, but I’m human, and I’m not going to lie, I did let the negativity get to me a little.
No, I don’t have the same body type as the other models in shows. No, I don’t think I’m the best at any given show. Yes, I want to have a unique walk but I also know I have to improve. No, I’m not the first or the last model of my type in this industry. You can make up all the reasons you think I am where I am, but really, I’m a hard worker that’s confident in myself, one that came at a time where the fashion industry was ready for a change. I’m just doing my job.
I represent a body a body image that wasn’t accepted in high-fashion before, and I’m very lucky to be supported by designers, stylists, and editors that I am: ones that know this is fashion, it’s art; it can never stay the same. It’s 2015. But if you’re not one of those people, don’t take your anger out on me. Yes I have boobs, I have abs, I have a butt, I have thighs, but I’m not asking for special treatment. I’m fitting into the sample sizes.
Your mean comments don’t make me want to change my body, they don’t make me want to say no to the designers that ask me to be in their shows, and they definitely don’t change the designers opinions of me. If they want me in their shows, I’m in it; if they don’t, I’m not. That’s just how it is and how it will be. If you don’t like it, don’t follow me, don’t watch me, cause I’m not going anywhere. If I didn’t have the body I do, I wouldn’t have the career I do. I love that I can be sexy. I’m proud of it.
I’ve said it before – I hope everyone gets to a place in their life where they’d rather talk about things that inspire them over the things that bring others down.
At least be open if not part of the change, because it’s undeniably happening.
Happy PFW xx G